Saturday, March 14, 2009

Learning Contract

hi there
i've just been viewing the 7.5 habits of successful lifelong learners and that wasn't so bad! ok, it only took me 2 and a half goes to actually view the entire vid and to fill out the contract. it's a basic contract but one that i can really start with. we have just received (this week) our IWBs and i've based my contract around that to start off with. i can see myself starting a different contract with myself (ha ha ha, i'm the boss too! so i'll prob tell 'me' when to have a break because i'm working too hard!) in terms of thinking bigger, but for now, baby steps!


  1. Hi Lesa

    Neat to see you getting into the 27 things...what were the wonderings as questions that you posed about the adventure?

  2. i wonder if i can finish this adventure! Naa! i'm just keen to see how far i can apply all the cool tools i'll learn about in my personal blog and how far i'll go with my class. i'm getting grips with some of the lingo and skills, but it's whether or not i'll get it together enough to integrate within my class programme as another tool to inspire learning. a way down the track i think.
