Monday, October 12, 2009

School Pics

Haven't been back here for a while!

Well, I haven't been back here for a while and I guess...what's new with my learning? Nothing I can rightly brag about! Recently, I've looked at 'Photopeach' as a slideshow similar to 'Flickr' - I like 'Photopeach'. The whole 'Inquiry Learning' subject (inside my head) is moving along at a reasonable pace that I can follow and try new ways of doing things. We finished a 'sea' topic last term and my children and I had a blast with this topic (loads of talking, sharing ideas and neat art - well I hope they had a blast!). Working with an IWB isn't as tortuous as it used to be (its programme was n't working as well as it should have and for a while there, I was on the brink of despair and ready to give in to kicking the board...I didn't! Instead we forgave each other and our relationship has been better (someone came in and fixed it too)!

Anyway, here are a couple of pics showing our class topic wall and our class art wall that was prepared for our school's Folk Dance and Art Day.