Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What's going on? by lesal38

What's going on? by lesal38

Have you heard of 'Playing for Change'? You should have!

Playing for Change singing 'Stand by Me'. After you watch this, you'll 'get' how they did it! I thought WOW when I first saw this vid. They have many more and I love the concept behind their action! WOW!

More Pics! Visit Dumpr

These ones are created in Dumpr :) As you can see, the photos I used in the backgrounds are ones I changed in the BeFunky.com site, saved them to my PC and then uploaded them into the Dumpr site.

In the BeFunky site, you can also add borders, speech bubbles and other bits n' bobs to make pictures more interesting to look at (I didn't mention this in the BeFunky post!).

Have fun :)

Xtranormal.com ... Let's Make Movies!

Why not make a movie? This is a cool site but takes quite a bit of 'getting-used-to' and so is best suited for older kids! I had fun but to make the very short clip embedded, took quite a bit of time to complete.


Another photo site to change the look of your pics.  I like this site! 

How many sites have you joined?

How many internet sites have you joined since going onto the net?  Recently while reading through an old diary looking for a user name and password for a particular site I had joined a while ago, of course I found a list of random sites I had obviously joined to see what was on offer.  That was in a diary from a couple of years ago, so on to last year's diary - yep, another list of sites I had joined but had not re-visited in a while.  My goal for these school holidays...to visit old sites and see how I can utilise them in wikis and blogs or otherwise, unjoin so I can start to tidy up my 'digital footprint'...I think that's what I mean!
(PS By the way, I counted 23 sites, but I bet that's a baby number for many others who use the net!).

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Our Descriptive Stories about Cats

On the front, pastel and dye cat.
The children get to re-order their story they
have written to describe their cat.

About time we had some pictures!

I was just thinking (I can hear my friend in the back of my head saying..."Prove it!"  LOL) I haven't had many pictures posted for a while, so here are a few pics  from my classroom...they are random snippets of the work my children have been creating but please enjoy (or scoff!).
Who wrote these statements???

One of our descriptive stories with a self portrait.

Brandon's cat.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Virtual Learning Network - a site for Teachers.

As I mentioned earlier, I have recently joined another site for teachers called the Virtual Learning Network.  Here we can share ideas, talk to other educators and eventually enrol children from our classes to learn from the Virtual Network - by other teachers!  Why not go and visit it yourself!?!


You will need a gmail address to join (it makes things a lot easier to enter!  Don't ask me why!?!)


I have been playing with a new site to share information with our parents and families...Weebly.com

Our class already has a wikispace that we use quite a bit as we have YouTube clips that we can sing along to like our 'letter' or 'maths' songs as well as a page for each of our children from my class, to show off art work, stories, them working on activities and so on.

Why Weebly?  We needed our parents and families to be able to load the class sites quickly and not get bored waiting for images and information to appear.  Hopefully this site is easy to load for our families to view and easy for me to edit information and upload pics.

Fingers crossed!

Click on the link to visit our Weebly site :)     t1-2011.weebly.com

Also, visit our older Wikispace site :)    t1-2011.wikispaces.com

PS  Weebly seems reasonably easy tp use at the moment, but there is not much going on in our site yet! :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Funny is not when you are trying to tackle learning about 'bling bling' for your wikispace and you think you are 'da bomb' AND... you still can't get your pens to work on the Interactive White Board!  Yep and for the past 2 weeks!  Am past thinking "...is it you (the Board components) or is it me?  Please talk to me! (no not the reader, but the board)".